Situated on the island of Dominica – a tropical paradise where waterfalls cascade down steep forest glades, sparkling in the bright tropical sun and orchids provide an explosion of color amid the lush green of the jungle – in the West Indies, Voice of Life – ZGBC Radio has stood as a beacon of hope, broadcasting the Gospel to the people of Dominica and the southeastern Caribbean since 1976.
Voice Of Life – ZGBC Radio is a full-time 24-hour listener-supported Christian radio station serving our entire community of Dominica and within the Caribbean region and indeed the world, via the internet.
The station is operated live for 15 hours (from 6am – 9pm) with the remaining 9 hours (9pm – 6am) being automated broadcast. For 15 full hours every day, our listeners have the opportunity to interact with the staff via the telephone, the internet and face-to-face in a customer-service style that transcends into ministry. This open-to-the-public approach of our broadcasting style brings our listeners, friends and audience as close as possible to the medium while we broadcast on-air.